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Misure temporanee certificazione EAC in COVID-19
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Misure temporanee certificazione EAC in COVID-19

Il 17 marzo 2020 In connessione con la difficile situazione epidemiologica associata alla diffusione di una nuova infezione da coronavirus (COVID – 19), nonché alle domande in arrivo di persone fisiche e giuridiche sulle procedure per i richiedenti e gli organismi di certificazione per i prodotti fabbricati in paesi con una situazione epidemiologica sfavorevole, il Ministero dell’Industria e del Commercio della Russia e il Ministero dello sviluppo economico della Russia, insieme al Servizio federale di accreditamento, hanno sviluppato raccomandazioni speciali. Le proposte della comunità imprenditoriale, nonché le misure per ridurre al minimo le conseguenze negative causate dalla diffusione di COVID-19, nel campo della certificazione, sono state discusse il 12 marzo 2020 in una riunione presso il Ministero dello sviluppo economico della Russia con la partecipazione di rappresentanti di associazioni di produttori di prodotti, organismi di certificazione e organi esecutivi federali. Tramite raccomandazioni, informiamo gli organismi di certificazione e i richiedenti del lavoro di certificazione obbligatorio svolto durante il periodo di distribuzione di COVID-19, sulla possibilità di posticipare il periodo di controllo delle ispezioni di 6 mesi, sulle misure e azioni intraprese in caso di scadenza del certificato seriale, nonché certificazione dei prodotti rilasciata per la prima volta.

Комментарии (7)

  • MyBusinessFundedNow
    11 june 2022
    Hi, do you know that can help your business get funding for $2,000 - $350K Without high credit or collateral.

    Find Out how much you can get by clicking here:

    Requirements include your company being established for at least a year and with current gross revenue of at least 120K. Eligibility and funding can be completed in as fast as 48hrs. Terms are personalized for each business so I suggest applying to find out exactly how much you can get on various terms.

    This is a completely free service from a qualified funder and the approval will be based on the annual revenue of your business. These funds are completely Non-Restrictive, allowing you to spend the full amount in any way you require including business debt consolidation, hiring, marketing, or Absolutely Any Other expense.

    If you need fast and easy business funding take a look at these programs now as there is limited availability:

    Have a good day,
    The My Business Funded Now Team

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  • Ultimate
    17 june 2022
    Hi, would you like more business leads at a lower cost? Currently is offering our popular unlimited lead generation software package - at a reduced price for a limited time.

    Download and install now to be building databases of leads in minutes:

    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack works by automatically visting yellow page directories and building a database according to your search terms. Other software in the pack then finds emails, phone numbers, and other details for that database. The results can be used for email, cold-calling, direct mail, or to sell immediately - priced per lead. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with multiple job and VPN/proxy support. Similar software retails for over $100 with less features.

    This pack is only available on sale as a short promotional offer, please download now if at all interested.

    Click Here:

    Have a Great Day,
    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack Team

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  • ProBusinessFundedNow
    23 june 2022
    Hi, do you know that can help your business get funding for $2,000 - $350K Without high credit or collateral.

    Find Out how much you can get by clicking here:

    Requirements include your company being established for at least a year and with current gross revenue of at least 120K. Eligibility and funding can be completed in as fast as 48hrs. Terms are personalized for each business so I suggest applying to find out exactly how much you can get on various terms.

    This is a completely free service from a qualified funder and the approval will be based on the annual revenue of your business. These funds are completely Non-Restrictive, allowing you to spend the full amount in any way you require including business debt consolidation, hiring, marketing, or Absolutely Any Other expense.

    If you need fast and easy business funding take a look at these programs now as there is limited availability:

    Have a good day,
    The Pro Business Funded Now Team

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  • Ultimate
    23 june 2022
    Hi, would you like more business leads at a lower cost? Currently is offering our popular unlimited lead generation software package - at a reduced price for a limited time.

    Download and install now to be building databases of leads in minutes:

    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack works by automatically visting yellow page directories and building a database according to your search terms. Other software in the pack then finds emails, phone numbers, and other details for that database. The results can be used for email, cold-calling, direct mail, or to sell immediately - priced per lead. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with multiple job and VPN/proxy support. Similar software retails for over $100 with less features.

    This pack is only available on sale as a short promotional offer, please download now if at all interested.

    Click Here:

    Have a Great Day,
    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack Team

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  • Ultimate
    29 june 2022
    Hi, would you like more business leads at a lower cost? Currently is offering our popular unlimited lead generation software package - at a reduced price for a limited time.

    Download and install now to be building databases of leads in minutes:

    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack works by automatically visting yellow page directories and building a database according to your search terms. Other software in the pack then finds emails, phone numbers, and other details for that database. The results can be used for email, cold-calling, direct mail, or to sell immediately - priced per lead. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with multiple job and VPN/proxy support. Similar software retails for over $100 with less features.

    This pack is only available on sale as a short promotional offer, please download now if at all interested.

    Click Here:

    Have a Great Day,
    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack Team

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  • Ultimate
    4 july 2022
    Hi, would you like more business leads at a lower cost? Currently is offering our popular unlimited lead generation software package - at a reduced price for a limited time.

    Download and install now to be building databases of leads in minutes:

    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack works by automatically visting yellow page directories and building a database according to your search terms. Other software in the pack then finds emails, phone numbers, and other details for that database. The results can be used for email, cold-calling, direct mail, or to sell immediately - priced per lead. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with multiple job and VPN/proxy support. Similar software retails for over $100 with less features.

    This pack is only available on sale as a short promotional offer, please download now if at all interested.

    Click Here:

    Have a Great Day,
    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack Team

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  • Ultimate
    18 september 2022
    Hi, would you like more small business owner and decision maker leads at a lower cost? Currently is offering our popular unlimited lead generation software package - at a reduced price for a limited time.

    Download and install now to be building databases of leads in minutes:

    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack works by automatically visting yellow page directories and building a database according to your search terms. Other software in the pack then finds emails, phone numbers, and other details for that database. The results can be used for email, cold-calling, direct mail, or to sell immediately - priced per lead. Runs on Windows, Mac, and Linux with multiple job and VPN/proxy support. Similar software retails for over $100 with less features.

    This pack is only available on sale as a short promotional offer, please download now if at all interested.

    Click Here:

    Have a Great Day,
    The Ultimate Lead Generation Pack Team

    unsubscribe/remove Here:

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